By Inflected Form
- ην
Occurrences Verse Text Name Manuscript Source ην 30:24 Hexateuch Milan, Ambrosian Library, A 147 Inf. (Martini-Bassi 808) ην 40:19 Hexateuch Milan, Ambrosian Library, A 147 Inf. (Martini-Bassi 808) - ησαν
Occurrences Verse Text Name Manuscript Source ησαν 15:8 Hexateuch Milan, Ambrosian Library, A 147 Inf. (Martini-Bassi 808) - ησουσιν
Occurrences Verse Text Name Manuscript Source ησουσιν 27:23 Malachi and Job Cambridge, University Library, T-S NS 309.9 - ηὗρεν
Occurrences Verse Text Name Manuscript Source ηὗρεν 1:3 A Greek Translation of Jonah Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Opp. Add. 8o 19 (Neubauer 1144) ηὗρεν 1:3 A Greek Translation of Jonah Florence, University Library, Ms Ebr. 3574 (Modona 12)