Browse for a Greek word by lexical form
Select a letter and an alphabetical index of Greek lemmata appearing in the corpus will be displayed below.
By clicking on a lemma the word will be displayed in all its occurrences within the corpus.
Click a letter to view index.
Each text is identified by document name, class-mark and biblical verse.
To view a text click its name. The verse will appear with your search item highlighted. Scroll up or down to view the rest of the document.
For a description of the manuscript click its class-mark.
Browse Greek words by part of speech (POS)
Select a part of speech and an alphabetical index of items will appear below. Each text is identified by document name, class-mark and biblical verse.
To view a text click its name. The verse will appear with your search item highlighted. Scroll up or down to view the rest of the document
You may filter your browse by clicking on the POS categories on the right.
You will then be able to remove filter settings by clicking on the X.
For a description of the manuscript click its class-mark.