Milan, Ambrosian Library, A 147 Inf. (Martini-Bassi 808)
Early 5th c. Substantially restored in the 11th c.
Acquired in Corfu for Cardinal Federigo Borromeo (1564-1631), the founder of the Ambrosian Library.
Greek Hexateuch, incomplete (Gen 31:15-Josh 12:12, with many marginal annotations.
Parchment, 213 fols, 32.5 x 27.3 cm. Quaternions.
Pale reddish ink. Carefully written Greek Biblical majuscule script. Few abbreviations apart from nomina sacra. Later annotations in majuscule. 11th-century annotations in cursive Greek hand.
Boyd-Taylor, Cameron, The Greek Bible amongst Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages—The Evidence of Codex Ambrosianus, Melvin K.H. Peters , XIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Ljubljana 2007 , Atlanta, GA, Society of Biblical Literature, 2008, 29-39.
Brooke, A. E., N. McLean, The Old Testament in Greek, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1906-1940.
Ceriania, A. M., Monumenta sacra et profana 3,, Milan, 1864.
Fincati, Mariachiara, Il restauro medievale dell' Esateuco ambrosiano a 147 inf., 2008.
Salvesen, Alison, The relationship of LXX and the Three in Exodus 1-24 to the readings of Fb, N. de Lange, J. G. Krivoruchko, C. Boyd-Taylor, Jewish reception of Greek Bible versions. Studies in their use in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Tübingen, 2009, 103–27.
Wevers, John W., A Secondary Text in Codex Ambrosianus of the Greek Exodus, R. Gryson, Biblische und patristische Studien für Hermann J. Frede und Walter Thiele zu ihrem siebzigsten Geburtstag, Freiburg, Verlag Herder, 1993, 36–37.