
Bottom writing: Egypt (?), 6th c. Top writing Egypt (?), 11th c.


Found in Genizah of Ben Ezra Synagogue, Fostat, Egypt, and taken to Cambridge by S. Schechter, 1896–97.


Palimpsest. Bottom writing: Fragments of Psalms in Greek, in a translation thought to be that of Aquila. Extant portions: Ps. 90(89):17– 92(91):10, 96(95):7–12, 98(97):3, 102(101):16–103(102):13. Top writing: Fragments of Yerushalmi, Ta'aniyot and Mashqin.




Palimpsest. The bottom text (with which we are concerned) is in a Greek Biblical majuscule hand, in 1 col. Small, fluent hand, with letters close to each other, and with horizontal and oblique strokes curved to the left. No accents, punctuation, or contractions. The tetragrammaton is written in palaeo-Hebrew writing. The top writing is in a square Hebrew hand.


Sokoloff, Michael, Joseph Yahalom , Christian Palimpsests from the Cairo Genizah, Revue de l'histoire des Textes, 8, 1978 , 109-132.

Taylor, Charles, Hebrew–Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests from the Taylor-Schechter Collection, Cambridge, 1900.

Tchernetska, Natalie, Greek-Oriental Palimpsests in Cambridge: Problems and Prospects, C. Holmes, J. Waring , Literacy, Education and Manuscript Transmission in Byzantium and Beyond, Leiden, 2002, 243–256.

 Aquila’s version of Ps 96:7–12 (bottom text)