Medieval Jewish Greek Texts
A Seminar of the AHRC Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism Project
16 January, 2008
Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
10.00-11.30: Richard Steiner (Yeshiva University), Byzantine Biblical Commentaries from the Genizah
11.30-11.50: Coffee
11.50-13.00: Gideon Bohak (Tel Aviv University), A Greek primer from the Cairo Genizah (T-S Ar. 35. 109)
13.00-14.30: Break
14.30-15.30: Julia Krivoruchko (University of Cambridge), Greek glossary on Isaiah (Evr. IIA 1980) and its Judeo-Greek background
15.30-15.50: Tea
15.50-17.00: Judith Schlanger (École Pratique des Hautes Études), Byzantine Jewish Bible manuscripts: a view from Hebrew palaeography