Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism: International Colloquium
>Monday 9 July, 2007
Session 1: Nicholas de Lange
14.00-14.30: Nicholas de Lange (Cambridge), Introductory Words
14.30-15.30: David Jacoby (Jerusalem), The Jewish Communities of the Byzantine World, Tenth – Fifteenth Centuries
15.30-16.00: Tea Break
Session 2: Graham Davies
16:00-16:45: Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis (Berlin), History of research
16:45-17:30: Alison Salvesen (Oxford), The relationship of the versions of the 'Three' in Exodus 1-24
Tuesday 10 July
Session 3: James Aitken
10:00-10:30: Silvia Cappelletti (Milan), Biblical quotations in Greek Jewish Inscriptions of the Diaspora
10.30-11.15: Patrick Andrist (Bern/Geneva), The Bible used by “the Jews” in the Greek dialogues Contra Iudaeos
11.15-11.45: Coffee Break
Session 4: Scott Mandelbrote
11.45-12.15: Ben Outhwaite (Cambridge), A world apart? Byzantium and Byzantines in the Genizah
12.15-12.45: Shifra Sznol (Jerusalem), Traces of the Targumim in the Greek Bible Translations in Hebrew Characters
12.45-14.00: Lunch
14.15-15.15: Manuscript Exhibition at Cambridge University Library
15.30-16.00: Tea Break
Session 5: Alison Salvesen
16.00-16.45: Peter Gentry (Louisville), The Greek Genizah fragment of Ecclesiastes and its relation to the LXX Ecclesiastes
16.45-17.15: Natalie Tchernetska (London), Glosses in Greek script and language in Hebrew Biblical manuscripts
17.15-17.45: Timothy Michael Law (Oxford), A Life of their Own. "Hexaplaric" Readings from 1 Kings in Byzantine Judaism
19.00-19.30: Drinks Reception
19.30-20.30: Dinner
20.30-21.00: William Horbury (Cambridge), The Study of the Greek Bible in Cambridge
Wednesday 11 July
Session 6: Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis
10.00-10.30: Saskia Dönitz (Berlin), Sefer Yosippon and the Greek Bible
10.30-11.00: Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (Paris), Judah Hadassi and the Greek Bible [N. de Lange]
11.00-11.30: Coffee Break
Session 7: Julia Krivoruchko
11.30-12.00: Dries De Crom (Leuven), The Book of Canticles in Codex Graecus Venetus VII
12.00-12.30: Georges Drettas (Paris), The Linguistic Features of the Constantinople Pentateuch
12.30-13.00: Nicholas de Lange, Concluding Words
13.00-14.00: Lunch