A Seminar of the AHRC Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism Project

25 May, 2009

Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge


10.00–10.30: Coffee will be served in the faculty lounge

10.30–11.00: Nicholas de Lange, Cameron Boyd-Taylor and Julia Krivoruchko (Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge), Introducing the GBBJ digital edition

11.00–11.30: Harold Short and Eleonora Durban Litta Modignani Picozzi (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, London), GBBJ and XML

11.30–12.00: A hands-on introduction to the GBBJ digital edition (conference participants are encouraged to bring their laps-tops if possible)

12.00–12.30: Questions, feedback and discussion

12.30–14.00: Break

14.00–14.30: Mariachiara Fincati (Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence), The medieval restoration of codex F (Ambrosianus A 147 inf.)

14.30–15.00: Reinhart Ceulemans (Centre for Septuagint Studies and Textual Criticism – Institute for Early Christian and Byzantine Studies, K. U. Leuven), The Greek Bible in Byzantine Christianity. Towards a systematic approach

15.00–15.30: Andrew Berns (University of Pennsylvania), The Greek Bible in Italian Jewish Culture of the Late Renaissance: the case of David de' Pomis and Moses Provenzali

15.30–16.00: Alison Salvesen (Oriental Institute, Oxford University), The Hexapla: ‘Not Jewish enough’?

16.00–16.10: Nicholas de Lange, Closing words

At 17.00: Jan Joosten, Professor of Old Testament in the Protestant Theology Faculty, University of Strasbourg, will deliver the Jeremie Septuagint Lecture 2009 on the subject "The Aramaic background of the Seventy: Language, culture and history", in the Runcie Room.